Limited Online Auction on Shire® Rams Born 2023 - 27th Jan

Farm Consulting Services Available Now

Proudly Organically Farming Since 1989

Our Story

We are a pioneering organic stud sheep, cattle and forestry farm. We have been farming organically here in Western Southland, New Zealand since the mid-1980s. The farm has been certified fully BioGro organic since March 1989.

Here at Mangapiri Downs, we provide our own unique livestock breeds with decades of breeding pedigree and experience. Whether you already farm organically, are interested in organics, or just want to improve your flock, we can help!

Shire® Sheep

Our Shire® breed offers revolutionary hair genetics to help transform your flock to become easy care, high fertility, high yielding sheep all without the need for chemicals.

Tufty® Cattle

Our Tufty® breed was developed directly from full-blood & purebred Scottish Highlands, with the purpose of breeding them without the horns which made them so hard to farm.